2-Day Walk FAQs

What percentage of my fundraising commitment do I have to be at in order to check-in at the walk?

50% of your fundraising commitment is required at check-in to participate in the 2-Day Walk. That means $500 for a 2-Day Walker, $375 for a Saturday Walker, or $250 for a Sunday Walker, respectively. The balance of your fundraising commitment is due one month after the walk ends. 

What is the time commitment for a 2-Day crew member?

Crew members commit to staying on site for the entirety of the 2-Day Walk weekend. There is also a mandatory crew training that takes place the Friday night before the walk at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis.

If you cannot commit to being on site throughout the whole event, you can instead choose to serve as a day volunteer. Day volunteers commit to small shifts (on average 1-4 hours), but unlike crew, they do not stay overnight at the hotel. For more information about day volunteers, please contact Ray at rroberts@gaabc.org.

I want to crew the 2-Day. How do I get assigned to a specific 2-Day crew?

Once you have paid for your crew registration fee, you will email Ray at rroberts@gaabc.org to request a crew assignment. If you are a veteran crew member wanting to transfer to another crew, please email Ray for that as well.

Can I serve as a medical volunteer?

Thank you for your interest! Our medical services are provided by our Medical Sponsor, WellStar, and our podiatry services are provided by Ankle & Foot Centers of Georgia. They each fully staff our medical and podiatry teams, so we do not utilize outside medical volunteers.

If you are employed by WellStar and would like to volunteer to help at the 2-Day Walk Weekend, please speak to Ray at rroberts@gaabc.org to connect with the WellStar liason.

I'm on crew. Why do I have to have a valid license and proof of insurance on file with GAABC to drive during the 2-Day Walk weekend, even if I'm in my own vehicle?

Anyone employed by, affiliated with, or volunteering for Georgia Alliance for Breast Cancer (formerly It’s The Journey) and the Georgia 2-Day Walk for Breast Cancer who is operating a vehicle (even if it is a personal vehicle) must have a valid license and proof of insurance. This is a requirement of our event and company insurance policy.

What are the requirements to be on the 2-Day youth crew?

In order to be on the youth crew, students have to be 10-15 years old at the time of the event, meet the $250 fundraising requirement, and have a parent or guardian who is participating as a 2-Day walker or crew.

All youth crew captains (adults who oversee youth crew students at all times) must have a background check on file with Georgia Alliance for Breast Cancer (formerly It’s The Journey).