Our new 2021 Georgia 2-Day Walk Weekend Agenda is here! As a reminder, you may still check into your hotel as usual per your reservations, and your shared Saturday night hotel room is still included in all 2-Day walker and crew registration fees.

2-Day Walk check-in will begin at 3:00 pm on Saturday, October 2, and a variety of other activities (details to be released next week!) will open at that time. We can’t wait to share those details with you- trust us, it’s going to be an absolute blast and you won’t want to miss it!

Our Saturday Night Celebration will be broadcast via Marriott’s streaming service, so you’ll be able to enjoy the program in your room and throughout the hotel. We hope to stream via Facebook live as well.

On Sunday morning, we are giving you two whole hours for breakfast and luggage drop-off, so that everyone can safely eat and bring down their luggage without feeling rushed. You will be able to take breakfast back to your room, or eat at the socially-distanced tables placed throughout the ballroom per your comfort level.

We’re getting excited, and hope you are too!